Which isn't that odd as PS is already using AMD APU as base of the system. Pretty much porting PS OS for desktop hardware. You download Sony's app which is acting as emulator-ish.The article linked is talking about SONY's OWN SOFTWARE and using trial/paid its pretty clearly said in that linked article how it would work. Piracy part is if people ask or link to getting games and ROMs. This isn’t the forum to discuss thisĮh, no.

So that means next gossip gaunt will take a bit BUT I will still try to post little things during my time away.Emulation of console hardware and current games falls under piracy. It’s such a bop and I hope others check out their songs! Also fun fact, the Gryffindor bit is a nod to a dumb video I made a while back 🤣 (Note: I will be occupied next week and after that I’ll be going away on a much needed vacation. I very much will and more! This also took a bit because I was waiting on Geo22 to drop Alchemy SPECIFICALLY for the vision I had for the kitchens, and they finally did a few days ago. This doesn’t mean I won’t make any references, however. It also sounds nice! So this means I’m sort of leaving behind the Mean Girls soundtrack. This actually turned out better than I thought and I may do this moving forward. Lol so I didn’t feel like fighting copyright and I decided to take a page out of Bridgerton and just use “popular music” but composed to fit the time. Podéis echarle a continuación un vistazo al Tik Tok que ha (Music used credited at the bottom) Yes, there’s plenty to know and hear about the Hogwarts student body… but whose to say it stops there? Gossip Gaunt takes you along the castle to shed some light on a few Mysteries lurking within Hogwarts.

De esta forma, la creadora de contenido conocida como Heizerux se ha encargado de realizar estos vídeos a los que ha bautizado como Gossip Gaunt en la cual la propia creadora pone el acento de Ominis a través de un programa de software para contar los cotilleos que otros personajes del castillo revelan. Ominis Gaunt se convierte en el Radio Patio de Hogwarts gracias a esta webserieĮn cualquier caso, ha llegado a tanto la fama de Ominius Gaunt entre los fans de Hogwarts Legacy que uno ha decidido crear una webserie de varios episodios centrados en los chismes y cotilleos que cuenta el personaje de Slytherin. Sea como fuere, lo cierto es que Howgarts Legacy, si bien ni tiene una narrativa muy elaborada en lo que a su historia se refiere, sí que ha conseguido que muchos les cojan cariño a los personajes, dando pie con ello a que uno de los más populares sea Ominis Gaunt, el cual es conocido en las redes por ser un personaje ciego que usa su varita para guiar sus pasos a la par que, por su apellido, queda clara su conexión con Voldemort, siendo familiar de este por la rama materna.